Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson
If you are a salesperson who is having problem in achieving the targets then talk regarding that with your sales manager or other seniors who can help you in solving your problems.
But most of the salespeople don’t go this way rather they make excuses which a sales manager is well aware of.
Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson

In this article, we will tell you about the most frequent excuses made by a salesperson after he/she fails in achieving the target set by the management.
Higher price: A salesperson simply says that our price is too high when compared to others. But it is to be noted that people are ready to buy expensive products even when cheaper options are available. What you need is just to explain them correctly how your service or product is going to benefit them. Once they get to know that services or products offered by you are useful for them, they will surely pay you no matter whether the price is higher or lower. As there are many people who prefer quality over price.

Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson
Prospects not responding: It’s very easy to say that prospects aren’t responding but being a sales person, you will have to understand that clients are not waiting your calls they have other important tasks as well and they will be busy in increasing their company’s revenue. You will have to become smart with a smarter follow up process. On an average, 44% of sales representative give up after one follow-up.
You need to follow up with your prospects on a regular basis if you want to keep moving your offer through the sales process.
Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson

Consider messaging your prospects if you’re not receiving a response. It’s a simple approach to follow up, and you can even set up your SMS to be automatically sent using a contemporary CRM. By doing things this way, you can automate the process of following up and maintain compliance.
Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson
Unrealistic sales target: Most of the sales representative believe that the sales target fixed by the management is too big to be achievable but when one among your teammates achieves that target then you realize that target was not impossible to be achieved. What you require to do is learn something from high performers rather than making lame excuses. Your excuses won’t save you for long and ultimately you can be expelled for not performing your task sincerely and making constant excuses. So, never ever believe that your sales targets are unrealistic.

Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson
Competitors are very strong: This is yet another misconception in the minds of many sales representatives that their product is inferior to that of competitors. Reality is not what you think, reality is what you are not willing to understand and that is you will have to change the way you have been approaching customers. You have been hired by the management to explain clients the quality of your products and maximize the sales of the company you are associated with. You are not in the company to doubt the quality of your own product.

Top 5 excuses made by a salesperson
Marketing team is not providing quality leads: This is yet another excuse made by the sales representatives. When they fail in achieving their targets they start playing blame game. However, this blame game will not benefit you much as after all company wants sales from you and they have not much to do with who is providing low quality leads or who is failing in converting the prospects. Always try to give your full efforts and not just run after excuses.