Net worth of CarryMinati
You must be aware of how much content creators earn from YouTube. Today in this article we will tell you about the net worth of famous YouTuber CarryMinati. Along with this, we will also tell you about his initial career, so do not forget to read the article till the end.
Net worth of CarryMinati

CarryMinati roasts others on his YouTube channel, and people like his roasting videos very much. CarryMinati has more than 41.8 million subscribers on YouTube.
Born on 12 June 1999 in Faridabad, Haryana, CarryMinati’s real name is Ajey Nagar. At the age of less than 25, Carry has made a name for himself across the world.

Net worth of CarryMinati
CarryMinati presents roast videos on YouTube in such a way that it brings a smile on everyone’s face. And for this reason, Carry Minati is very much liked in India and he earns a lot of money through YouTube. Apart from this, CarryMinati is also seen in many advertisements on social media.
Net worth of CarryMinati
At the age of 11, CarryMinati created a channel Stealthfearzz on YouTube where he used to make videos of games and football tricks. At that time people did not pay much attention to YouTube videos, so Carry did not get much benefit, but his craze for video games started increasing. At the age of 15, he created a second channel, Addicted A1, on which he used to post videos of playing Counter Strike games and commentary. After that, he started mimicking Sunny Deol and Hrithik Roshan.

Net worth of CarryMinati
Viewers liked his style after which he changed the name of Addicted A1 to CarryDeol. In 2015, when AIB’s roasting controversy came into limelight, Carry started roasting people. And once again Carry changed the name of his channel CarryDeol to CarryMinati which has become a big name today. Such a big name that millions of people know CarryMinati but very few people know Ajey Nagar.
Net worth of CarryMinati
According to a report by Times of India, the net worth of Ajey Nagar alias CarryMinati was said to be Rs 41 crore in the year 2023, which would naturally have become more.

Net worth of CarryMinati
According to media reports, CarryMinati’s monthly income is Rs 25 lakh. Every month he earns money in different ways and his main income comes from YouTube channel. If we talk about CarryMinati’s annual income, he earns around Rs 4 crore a year.